Homozygous for the tobiano and the black gene. Producer of top quality foals. Has an outstanding pedigree going back to Silvers Sam I Am, MKs Black Pepper, Silver Jingo, Sky Bar, Skip N Lad and Leo.
His sire: SILVERS SAM I AM has 23 APHA Lifetime Performance Points, 2 ROM Heading and Heeling, APHA Points, Steer Stopping. Sire of a APHA Youth Versitilty Champion. A Superior Halter horse, and Multiple ROMs.
His grandsire CW SILVER has 18 APHA Lifetime HalterPoints (5 Grands, 8 Reserves).
His great grandsire (top side) SILVER JINGO APHA Reserve National Champion Halter, APHA Reserve National Champion Get of Sire, Superior Halter, 54 APHA Lifetime Halter Points(10 Grands, 9 Reserves), Points in Western Pleasure; by By Jingo*, 1972 APHA Champion, ROM Western Pleasure, 47 APHA Lifetime Halter Points, 16 APHA Lifetime Performance Points, Points in Hunter Under Saddle and Western Pleasure.
Great Grandsire (Bottom Side), MKs BLACK PEPPER APHA Champion Sire; Sire of 23 Performers including 6 Open Halter Point Earners, 8 Open Performance Point Earners,and 4 ROM Earners.  
Click here for his full pedigree
MAGIC CASHWe lost Magic on July 6th. He was an exceptional sire for us and  he will be deeply missed.
Click here for his full pedigree
JJ Magic Skip a Chief--REFERENCE SIRE
15.3H 2008 Perlino stallion is homozygous for the tobiano gene.  His sire is Magic Cash who goes back to: 
Midnite Cash --sired 176 foals, 4 Performing, 425 PAC Pefs Pts, 3 Halter, 10 Pef Pts.
Skipa Sure Cash--42 foals, 2 Performing, 176 PAC Pts in Perf., 1 Ama WP,
Hank A Chief--One of APHA All-Time Leading Sires, 473 foals, all colored, 137 prf, with 14 APHA Chs, 2 Nat Chs, 13 Superiors, 55 SRom, 10 Yth Chs, 61 Yth Rom, 6 Yth Superiors, 1 Ama Ch, 7 Ama Superiors, 42 ARom.
Skip's Lad, 1 Rng Pt, with 120 fls, 37 Prf, 5 APHA Chs, 2 Nat. Chs, 4 Superiors, 4 Res Nat. Chs, 1 YCh, 32 YRom, 1 Yth Nat. Champion.
Robin's Last, 20 Halter Points, 5 Grs, 2 Resvs, Sire of APHA CHs, Superiors Hlt & Prf, SRoms, Ama & Yth Chs, Superiors Halt & Perf., Show Roms
Painted Robin, Sire of 68 fls, 26 Perfs: 7 Chs, 19 SRom, 4 Superiors, Nat & Res Nat Chs.
On his bottom side is:
MK's BLack Pepper had 1 Grand Championship & 3 Res. He sired 256 foals, all colored with 20 Performing; 1 APHA Ch, 9 Show Rom, 97 Halter & 183 Prf. Points earned.
By Jingo--APHA CH, 47 Halter Pts. 11 Grs, 9 Res, ROMS(WP) 7 PBH, 134fls, 30 Pfs, 6 Chs, 7 Superiors, 12 Show Rom.His dam is a 15H palomino tobiano mare that is Pocos Midnite Cody, Dixie War Drum, Sir Quincy Dan and Tuffernel bred. .
 Click here for his full pedigree
HomeStallions2025 FOALSFor SaleMares

DOCS WHISKEY AUSTIN                                   
   2015 AQHA DUN STALLION      15.3H                             
5 panel tested NN​

Bloodlines of Doc Bar, Two Eyed Red Buck, Watch Joe Jack, Colonel Freckles, and Poco Bueno.

Doc Bar 
has been the greatest sire of cutting horses that ever lived. His prepotency was so great that even his sons and grandsons produce cutting horses.
Two Eyed Red Buck
3026532 - 1991 - Buckskin
AQHA Champion
Superior Heading & Heeling
29.5 Halter,, 243.5 Performance Points
Sire of Reserve World Champion, Superior Performance; Halter & Performance ROM 
Watch Joe Jack-
225 Halter points, 4 Western Riding points, 149 Western Pleasure points, 1 Reining point, 28 Heeling points, 18 Heading points, AQHA Champion, 17 Working class wins,
 85 Grand Champions, 35 Reserve Champions. 
SIRED-1,542 total offspring=276 shown, 121 Halter point earners earning 1,964 points, 208 Working point earners earning 5,453 total points, 9 AQHA Champions, 94 ROM Arena, 3 World Champions, 3 Amateur World Champions, 8 Superior Halter, 28 Superior Performance. 

Colonel Freckles
Champion of the1976 National Cutting Horse Futurity
Hall of Fame, 2004 AQHA 
• NCHA money-earner 
• Performance Point Earner 
Total Points Earned: 3; Perf Points: 3; Perf Events: CUT; 
• NCHA Earnings: $46,305; 


ACES JACK N BUCK                               

5 panel tested NN
Nice put together stallion, looking forward to his first colt crop next spring                                                    
Bloodlines of Two Eyed Red Buck, Watch Joe Jack, Zan Parr Bar, Poco Pine, Three Bars and Win or Lose.  
Zan Parr Bar 
1977- AQHA high-point halter stallion with 190 point
Grand at the All American Quarter Horse Congress 
World champion 3-year-old at the AQHA World Championship Show
1978-80- placed well at the World Show in heading and heeling
First AQHA Champion title in 1978
Title of world champion aged stallion in 1979 and 1980. 
Career point total was: halter, 245; heeling, 168; heading, 118; western pleasure, 38; tie-down roping, 20; and reining, 13.

See info on Two Eyed Red Buck and Watch Joe Jack above
A Krymsun Hot Rod 
is homozygous for the tobiano gene and the black gene so no solid foals and no sorrels. He has not previously been much-promoted and currently only has a small crop of foals but of that small crop, 50 percent are APHA point earners! He was injured as a yearling and never got the chance to do what he was bred to do. Every single foal produced by his dam has an extensive show record with multiple APHA Superiors earned; he surely would have had a stellar show record, but now it's up to his offspring to prove him - as they certainly will! He has a lot of winners in his pedigree. One Kool Krymsun, a 15.3 hand dun tobiano, is sired by 7 Time AQHA World and Congress Champion, One Hot Krymsun.  Kool’s dam, Ribbon In My Hair earned 194 Western Pleasure points and is also the dam of a Leading Sire, Special Invitation. His pedigree is filled with some of the greats in pleasure industry, such as One Hot Krymsun, Invitation Only, Barpassers Image, Hotrodders Jet Set, Scotch Bar Tommy and Scotch Bar Time.
Hot Roddin Zip was the APHA 2001 Junior Western Pleasure World Champion
See his facebook page at

AQHA Palomino grandson of Sunfrost 
has been throwing a large percentage of creme gene